Friday, 2 March 2012

How do you attract/address your audience

To attract our audience for our film opening, we used actors/actresses that are in the same age range.  This allows our target audience to relate to the characters and the story. The genre also attracts our audience, as horror is the most popular film genre for young adult targets. The film opening also uses fast paced scenes of a chase, depiction's of violence and a sense of threat. The contents of our film opening, help to create a sense of familiarity to other horror films.  Therefor our film appeals to our target audience, as its contents are similar to other established horror films, in which young adults watch.
The story follows five teenagers/young adults, who are the target audience of our film. Therefor it
helps the audience to relate to the characters and story. The black and white background creates a dark mood and red writing, helps the text to stand out and is the color of blood. Which relates well to the genre

The scene depicts a victim being dragged, the victim is female and therefor is stereotypical to horror films. This provides the audience with a sense of familiarity and the expectation of threat. This rein forces the genera of our film opening to our audience.

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